Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

At Hike, we believe technology should wrap itself around people and not the other way around. Advancements in the field of AI are finally enabling us to bringing about this change.

Come join us as we take the world beyond the keyboard.

Research Areas

Natural Language Processing

Creating contextual experiences by making sense of chat in different Indian languages.

Computer Vision

Creating contextual experiences by making sense of chat in different Indian languages.

Social Network Analysis

Mining large scale networks for connecting people and driving business growth.


Contextual Typeahead Sticker Suggestions on Hike

We describe how the system addresses the issue of numerous orthographic variations for chat messages and operates under 20 milliseconds with low CPU and memory footprint on device.

Heterogeneous Edge Embedding for Friend Recommendation

We propose a friend recommendation system using edge embedding on social networks. Our method outperforms various state-of-the-art baselines on Hike's social network in terms of accuracy metrics as well as user satisfaction.

Latest Blog Posts

Sticker Suggestions

Improving sticker discovery with seamless. AI & ML integration

Hike at Cypher 2019: Quantum AI

Pushing the boundaries on AI & ML

Data Science at Hike

The Data Science team at Hike has one goal: How do we wrap technology.

World AI & RPA Show 2019: AI for Cybersecurity

Enabling impactful conversations in AI

Friend Recommendations

Powering friend suggestions on Hike, using Heterogeneous Network Embeddings

TensorFlow World 2019: AI-driven Innovations @ Hike

Getting together with the best AI & ML

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It's the team that counts.

The team we build, is the company we build.
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